Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ category

Happy Burp Day!

July 15, 2008

I know. I know. Don’t even start. It’s been awhile. Blah, blah. As much as I love my adoring fans, I can’t help it if I am incredibly busy for a 14 month old. Let me tell you….so much has happened since my last blog entry!

First of all there was this one day that Mommy and Daddy were very excited about. I think they called it my Burp Day. Isn’t that weird? Whoever heard of such a thing? They kept saying over and over again, “Happy Burp Day Mady! It’s your first Burp Day! You’re such a big girl!”. I’m telling you…my parents are insane. If that wasn’t weird enough they decided to take me to the zoo to celebrate my Burp Day. Don’t get me wrong…I loved the zoo! (Especially those lions….grrrrr…) But celebrating a burp? They didn’t do that the first 1,000 times I burped….I just don’t get it.

But wait…it just gets weirder! The following Saturday my whole family came over to my Gram and Jimpa’s to celebrate my Burp Day. I’ve never seen so many people! I mean I know I have a big family and jillions of adoring fans, but I’m starting to think some of them were sneaking in for the free burgers and cake. I have never seen so many grown ups excited over a burp before. Wait till my Dirty Diaper Day!

So there was that. And there was something else that happened….something really big…..hmmm. I’m having trouble remembering…’s just not coming back to me. Something my parents and grandparents were very excited about…OH! I know! I CAN WALK BABY!!!!! WOOHOOOOO!!!!!

I know walking isn’t a big deal to all of you grown ups because you do it all the time, but my Daddy says that my walk is the cutest thing he’s ever seen. So there! PFFFTTTTT!!! And I am so good at walking. I’m probably like the best ever. I can even walk backwards sometimes when I really want to turn heads. Maybe, just maybe my Daddy will put up a video soon of me walking. You are so gonna love it.

I’ve also been hanging out with Hank quite a bit. Remember him? My chocolate pony? Well now that I am older and more mature I have figured out that Hank is actually a big dog, not a pony. I heard Daddy telling someone he is a lab (whatever that means) and he weighs over 100 pounds! (whatever that means). Hank is probably like my best friend in the world. I love to chase him and lay on top of him. He is the best. You’ll see what I mean in the pictures below.

Well enough about me. I could just go on and on. It’s time for the pictures! Daddy says there are even more pictures coming soon and even some video. I know you’ll want to come back for that!

The Pit of Doom!

March 3, 2008

Que pasa my peeps? (I think that means What’s Up….heheh). Been awhile..I know. I’ve been a busy girl. Guess what? I can crawl! YESSSS! Don’t believe me? Just check out the awesome video below of me in action. Daddy pretends like he doesn’t like it when I crawl, but I know he secretly loves it. He keeps mumbling something about his little girl growing up too fast. What a softy….hehe.

I must say life has been good. Unless of course you count the awful, dreadful Pit of Doom!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!! See here’s the deal….my parents thought it would be oh so cute to let me play in this demonic contraption that grown-ups call a “pack and play”. Have you ever seen one of these torture devices? It’s nothing but a prison for babies that is both cruel and unusual! Despite my protesting, Mommy and Daddy keep putting me into the Pit of Doom to “play” in. Oh the horror! Don’t they love me?

OK, I’ll admit that every once in awhile when I’m in the pit I do get just a teeny distracted with all the really cool toys in there. Sometimes, I may even laugh a little while I’m in there. But don’t worry. It’s all an act. Believe me…I hate the Pit of Doom! As a matter of fact I am sending out a cry for help to all my faithful readers. Rescue me!

All I want to do is be free to crawl wherever I want and do whatever I want. Is that too much to ask? I’m almost 10 months old now and I think I deserve some trust from my parents. Can someone please talk some sense into them? I’ve tried countless times to ask Hank for help, but he just rolls his eyes and goes back to sleep. What kind of a dog is that? Man’s best friend indeed. He’s supposed to take care of me and save me from danger. What could be more dangerous than the Pit of Doom? I can’t talk about this anymore. It’s all just too horrible.

Anyway, like I said. Life is good. Here are some new videos for you and lots of cool pictures. Love ya peeps!

My First Christmas!

December 31, 2007

pict1192.jpgHO! HO! HO! Happy Holidays everyone!

Recently I just had my first Christmas, and let me tell you what a Christmas it was! On Christmas Eve we went to Jimpa and Gram’s house and you should have seen all the stuff I got. Everyone kept wanting me to play with all of the new toys, but I found something even better….wrapping paper! Wow, this stuff is fun. It makes noise when you squeeze it and everyone laughs when you rip it. It’s kind of like when Mommy laughs when I pull Daddy’s hair or squeeze his nose. She loves it! (Although I have noticed it’s not so funny when I do it to her. Hmmmm.)

On Christmas Day we went to Pops and Tesa’s house. This was so fun too! I started ripping into my presents and realized no one else was opening theirs. They were all watching me! Cameras were flashing and video was rolling. You should have heard my Tesa cracking up. Afterwards we went to Nana’s and Granddaddy’s house and I played some more! And guess what…more wrapping paper! As much as I appreciate all of the nice gifts, all a girl really needs is a wad of wrapping paper. That’s a party waiting to happen!

My first Christmas was simply Santa-rific. I must be one of the most blessed little girls in the world, because I sure do have a lot of people who love me. And you know what? I love them too.

Well I better rest up. We are going over to Jimpa and Gram’s house to play games in a little bit. I hope they let me play! By the way…did you know tomorrow is my Mommy and Daddy’s anniversary? They have been married 8 years! I don’t know how Mommy has put up with Daddy for so long, and I really don’t know how they survived all those years without me!  Giggle Giggle.

Happy New Year everybody!

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Desert Weddings and Planes

November 5, 2007

What up my peeps? It’s me, Madelyn. See my horse, Hank, in that picture? Isn’t he sweet? He always wants to love on me…hehe. I’m still looking for a good saddle for him.

Enough about me. How have you all been? OK…enough about you. Let’s talk more about me! Daddy told me that many of my adoring fans are just dying for a new blog entry so I thought I would attempt to satisfy the masses today. I’ll try not to talk too much though, because I noticed that when Daddy talks a lot at church it puts everyone to sleep (especially Mommy).

My aunt Katie recently got married in the desert and me, Mommy, and Daddy flew on a plane to get there. It was a lot of fun and I really hope we get to do it again soon. I was a little scared when we got to the airport and Daddy sat me down by a bunch of suitcases on one of those conveyor belt things. It was kind of fun when it started moving, but I was glad Daddy grabbed me before I disappeared behind the big wall. Ha!!!! I’m just kidding….I just made all of that up to freak out the Grandparents! My Daddy would never do that! Man you people are gullible!

Anyhoo….the wedding was a blast and there are some cool pictures below. There is a great picture of me and Aunt Katie and as soon as Uncle Colby sends it to Daddy I will post it (hint, hint). Aunt Katie was very pretty and Uncle Jacob was a handsome little devil. Daddy performed the ceremony and I couldn’t help but notice that even in the desert people fall asleep when Daddy talks. Weird…

I also had my first Halloween recently and that was simply spooktacular. Giggle giggle. You’ll love my costume and if I ever get pictures of it I will also post those. (Mommy and Daddy lost the camera on Halloween and Gram and Auntie Kerry have all the pictures….hint, hint).

Well, I can sense some of you nodding off so I better stop for now. Enjoy all of the new pictures and stay tuned for some new videos and more pictures soon. BYE!!!!!

It May Be August, But I’m So Cool……..

August 23, 2007

Hey….it’s me….Madelyn. I know it’s hard to recognize me in this disguise….but it’s really me! I look pretty cool huh? Sorry it’s been awhile. Daddy’s always on his laptop and I never get a chance to use it. He says he is working on a novel…….I’ll believe that when I see it! What could possibly be more interesting to write about than yours truly?

Well, believe it or not I am 3 months old already! Time sure does fly the older you get. I can’t imagine how fast it will all seem when I turn 6 months! Things around here are great. Recently, I have been falling asleep at night and then I don’t wake up until the morning! For some reason this makes Mommy and Daddy very happy, but I don’t share their enthusiasm. I miss spending time in Mommy’s arms in the middle of the night….I love those midnight snacks! And you should see Daddy try to change a diaper at 4am. Ha! I can’t help but giggle.

Another cool thing that has happened recently….I can laugh! Well sort of. It’s really weird…sometimes I just smile so much that this funny little noise comes out (no, not that noise!). I mean a noise from my mouth….I just can’t help it. This really makes Mommy and Daddy happy, so I am going to try and do it more. I even did it for my Auntie Kerry and she hasn’t quit talking about it! But I tell you…all of this smiling and laughing is hard work. Look at my cheeks…’s hard to move those things! But it sure is fun.


Well I better go and get rested up. Tesa, Pops, and Uncle Zebo (my Mommy’s brother, Zack) are all coming over today to see me. And I wouldn’t be surprised if my Gram and Jim-Pa pop in for a visit. They have been in Chicago all week, and I don’t know how they survived without seeing me. I want to be wide awake and rested up so I can try this new laughing thing on those crazy Grandparents. Something tells me they are going to love it! Enjoy the pictures and even a cool new video. Bye!

Video: Madelyn Kicking

Aren’t I Getting Big?

August 3, 2007

Hey Everybody! Look how big I am getting! It’s funny….the chubbier I get, the more people say I look like my Daddy. Giggle..giggle. When I laugh like that it only looks like I have 2 chins instead of 3!

Life is good around here, and I really love hanging out with Mommy and Daddy and all of those pesky critters. Believe it or not I am almost 12 weeks old. Man, where does the time go? I guess all that eating, sleeping, and diaper filling makes time go by fast. Before you know it I will be walking! (Don’t tell my Daddy that…it might make him cry!) Recently my Daddy turned 30 (what an old man! Just kidding….giggle giggle) and he has become real sentimental in his old age. I still love him even though he is an old geezer.

Well on to the good stuff…The Pictures! Hope you like ’em. See ya later!

Pictures of Me!!!

July 3, 2007

Hello! Hello! It’s me again…..Life is good, and believe it or not I am 7 weeks old! I’m really growing up huh? Everyone has been bugging my Mommy and Daddy for some more pictures so I thought I would put some here on my blog. I hope you like them! Happy 4th of July!

Daddy’s First Father’s Day

June 20, 2007

Sorry it’s been awhile folks. I’ve been pretty busy sleeping, eating, and well….you know.

Last Sunday was my Daddy’s first Father’s Day, and what a day it was. I wanted to do something special for him, so I woke him at 4am so we could have some quality Father-Daughter time. He didn’t seem as excited about it as I was, but he’s a little hard to read sometimes. We had fun though. We watched some Discovery Channel and then I took a nap and he watched. It would have been great if Mommy could have been there, too, but she stayed up having fun with me until 4am. I guess she needed some rest.

After Daddy left early for church, Mommy and I hung out for a bit until it was time for us to go to church. I wish I could tell you about church, but just like several other people there…I slept through it. I guess everyone was up partying all night like we were.

Later that afternoon we went to visit my Mommy’s side of the family in Plano. What a blast! I got to see my Great-Grandparents, my Pops and Tesa, and more of my aunts, uncles, and cousins. When we got there they sat me on a table in the middle of the room and everyone stared at me like I was a statue in a museum. I’ll have to admit…this part was very strange. Don’t just look at me…hold me people! I WANNA BE HELD!!! I don’t bite….yet (hehehe).

As the afternoon went on I couldn’t help but notice something very interesting. I looked around and I was surrounded by women. Where were all those men at? Someone made a comment about “those lazy men watching Tiger Woods in the other room”, but I have no idea what that means. I looked in the room once and all of the men (including my Daddy) were sound asleep with the TV on. They are lazy! I don’t know why Daddy was so tired.

My Daddy had a great first Father’s Day if I do say so myself. I think next year I will wait until 5:00am to wake him up. Daddy’s should be allowed to sleep in on Father’s Day.

We’re Not Alone!

June 5, 2007

Hey, what’s up people! It’s me again…Madelyn. Mommy and Daddy are taking a nap so I snuck out to use Daddy’s computer. I don’t know why they are so tired. That’s what they get for staying up all night. I hate to be so sneaky, but apparently my blog is in high demand. Grown-ups are so weird. I’m only 3 weeks old. How interesting can I be?

Anyway… check this out….apparently it’s not just me, Mommy, and Daddy in this house. Oh no. We’re not alone! Apparently we have pets. How come I was never told this? I’m just a baby people!

First of all we have a miniature horse. Well, not really a horse, but that’s what I first thought when I saw him. His name is Hank and he is a dog. A big one! I heard Daddy telling someone the other day that he is a chocolate lab. This revelation concerns me. If Hank is really made of chocolate, then why do they keep putting him out in the hot sun where he could melt? How cruel! Hank seems to be concerned about this is as well, because every time Daddy puts him in the backyard he jumps into the sliding glass door frantically. Can’t Daddy see that Hank doesn’t want to be outside? Poor Hank. I can’t wait until Daddy gets me a saddle for him.

We also have a cute little cat named Sydney. She has white fur and she never shuts up. She is always yelling at Mommy and Daddy, and she doesn’t seem to enjoy it when I am in their laps. I really don’t know what her problem is, but I wish she would go away. I’m the baby of this family…not her!

For several days I was convinced there was just the four of us here in the house. Then today I saw the scariest thing imaginable: a viscous mountain lion lurking trough the house. Yikes! At first this really concerned me for several reasons:
1. Why are my parents keeping wildlife indoors?
2. I’m really worried about the mountain lion. He is very lazy and it takes him all day to cross the living room.
3. I’m afraid my mommy and daddy will never be able to afford to feed that thing. I’m afraid we will have to sell the house just so we can feed it. This thing is huge!
4. Poor Hank and Sydney! If the mountain lion gets really hungry it will probably eat them!

Ok Ok…I must confess. I do tend to exaggerate just a wee bit. (I come by it honestly though). It’s not a mountain lion after all. Just another cat named Spencer. Spencer is like most normal cats, except for the fact that he is HUGE!!!!! Wow….what are they feeding him?

So there you have it…we’re not alone. To be honest with you, I really don’t have much to do with our pets right now. They are fun to look at and all, but I’m happy enough to hang out with Mommy and Daddy for the time being. Something tells me that Hank, Sydney, and Spencer will become far more interesting to me when I’m older. Peace..

My Other Family

May 29, 2007

Hello again. It’s me…Madelyn. I am now 2 weeks old. Time flies huh?

This past Sunday was my first day at church (there’s my church outfit there in the picture), and I found out about my other family. Not only do I have a cool family already (Mom and Dad, Grandparents, and a whole bunch of really awesome aunts, uncles, and cousins), but apparently I also have a church family. This is a very new concept to me, but from what I understand a church family is a group of people who love Jesus and love each other. Even though my church family isn’t related to me, they still love me as if they were. And they love Jesus even more. Pretty cool huh?

I love being at church! I remember before I was born that I could always hear Mommy’s beautiful singing, and I would get so excited that I just wanted to dance. And dance I did! Just ask my Mommy. Things are a little different here on the outside, though. Everyone loves to sing, but I haven’t seen any dancing. Guess I better be careful about that huh? I’d hate for people to get too excited at church. I think I heard my Daddy say one time that if that happened the walls might fall down. How awful!

This was also the first time I actually saw my Daddy preaching. I have heard him lots of times, but seeing him too was pretty cool. Boy can he talk! And man he is LOUD!!! I don’t know how all those people in the pews around me could sleep through it.

After services my church family had a meal together. I think it is so neat that my other family loves to spend time together. For some reason I had my meal in a different room in the back. I guess Mommy just wanted to spend some more time alone with me. She’s the best.

My first day at church was great, and I really can’t wait for more. In the meantime I will be thinking about more things to write as I hang out with Mommy and Daddy.

Oh yeah…before I go…Here’s a video of me that my Daddy made. He put it on his blog, but in case you missed it, here it is!

Video: Madelyn Awake