We’re Not Alone!

Hey, what’s up people! It’s me again…Madelyn. Mommy and Daddy are taking a nap so I snuck out to use Daddy’s computer. I don’t know why they are so tired. That’s what they get for staying up all night. I hate to be so sneaky, but apparently my blog is in high demand. Grown-ups are so weird. I’m only 3 weeks old. How interesting can I be?

Anyway…..so check this out….apparently it’s not just me, Mommy, and Daddy in this house. Oh no. We’re not alone! Apparently we have pets. How come I was never told this? I’m just a baby people!

First of all we have a miniature horse. Well, not really a horse, but that’s what I first thought when I saw him. His name is Hank and he is a dog. A big one! I heard Daddy telling someone the other day that he is a chocolate lab. This revelation concerns me. If Hank is really made of chocolate, then why do they keep putting him out in the hot sun where he could melt? How cruel! Hank seems to be concerned about this is as well, because every time Daddy puts him in the backyard he jumps into the sliding glass door frantically. Can’t Daddy see that Hank doesn’t want to be outside? Poor Hank. I can’t wait until Daddy gets me a saddle for him.

We also have a cute little cat named Sydney. She has white fur and she never shuts up. She is always yelling at Mommy and Daddy, and she doesn’t seem to enjoy it when I am in their laps. I really don’t know what her problem is, but I wish she would go away. I’m the baby of this family…not her!

For several days I was convinced there was just the four of us here in the house. Then today I saw the scariest thing imaginable: a viscous mountain lion lurking trough the house. Yikes! At first this really concerned me for several reasons:
1. Why are my parents keeping wildlife indoors?
2. I’m really worried about the mountain lion. He is very lazy and it takes him all day to cross the living room.
3. I’m afraid my mommy and daddy will never be able to afford to feed that thing. I’m afraid we will have to sell the house just so we can feed it. This thing is huge!
4. Poor Hank and Sydney! If the mountain lion gets really hungry it will probably eat them!

Ok Ok…I must confess. I do tend to exaggerate just a wee bit. (I come by it honestly though). It’s not a mountain lion after all. Just another cat named Spencer. Spencer is like most normal cats, except for the fact that he is HUGE!!!!! Wow….what are they feeding him?

So there you have it…we’re not alone. To be honest with you, I really don’t have much to do with our pets right now. They are fun to look at and all, but I’m happy enough to hang out with Mommy and Daddy for the time being. Something tells me that Hank, Sydney, and Spencer will become far more interesting to me when I’m older. Peace..

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3 Comments on “We’re Not Alone!”

  1. Tesa and Pops Says:

    Oh, Maddie! You have no idea! That chocolate lab doesn’t melt in the sun, but he does get a more intense fragrance while he bakes. And those cats….beware!!! They plot! You take care of your Mommy and Daddy! We are so proud of you for making sure they don’t have too much time on their hands! “Idle hands are the devil’s playground” you know! Or something like that. Love you lots, little one!

  2. Zack Says:

    A dog and cats?! Oh my! Don’t worry sweetheart! The dog is sweet and kind. The cats are real curious and cunning. You might want to watch out for them. But don’t worry about a thing Maddie. Mommy and Daddy won’t let anything happen to you. We love you and will see you soon.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Well, this is about the cutest blog ever, Maddie. And, you’re not kidding about how naturally you come by exagerrating. Wait until you get to know your grandma, I guess she’s going by Tesa? That’s cute, thank goodness she decided against Poopsie…Well, she had a whole zoo in her house a while back! Now, you just keep your Mom and Dad in line! We love you! Suzan

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