Daddy’s First Father’s Day

Sorry it’s been awhile folks. I’ve been pretty busy sleeping, eating, and well….you know.

Last Sunday was my Daddy’s first Father’s Day, and what a day it was. I wanted to do something special for him, so I woke him at 4am so we could have some quality Father-Daughter time. He didn’t seem as excited about it as I was, but he’s a little hard to read sometimes. We had fun though. We watched some Discovery Channel and then I took a nap and he watched. It would have been great if Mommy could have been there, too, but she stayed up having fun with me until 4am. I guess she needed some rest.

After Daddy left early for church, Mommy and I hung out for a bit until it was time for us to go to church. I wish I could tell you about church, but just like several other people there…I slept through it. I guess everyone was up partying all night like we were.

Later that afternoon we went to visit my Mommy’s side of the family in Plano. What a blast! I got to see my Great-Grandparents, my Pops and Tesa, and more of my aunts, uncles, and cousins. When we got there they sat me on a table in the middle of the room and everyone stared at me like I was a statue in a museum. I’ll have to admit…this part was very strange. Don’t just look at me…hold me people! I WANNA BE HELD!!! I don’t bite….yet (hehehe).

As the afternoon went on I couldn’t help but notice something very interesting. I looked around and I was surrounded by women. Where were all those men at? Someone made a comment about “those lazy men watching Tiger Woods in the other room”, but I have no idea what that means. I looked in the room once and all of the men (including my Daddy) were sound asleep with the TV on. They are lazy! I don’t know why Daddy was so tired.

My Daddy had a great first Father’s Day if I do say so myself. I think next year I will wait until 5:00am to wake him up. Daddy’s should be allowed to sleep in on Father’s Day.

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3 Comments on “Daddy’s First Father’s Day”

  1. Anonymous Says:


    I am so glad that your Dad had a great “first” Father’s Day…he has been waiting a long time for that day!!

    Anytime you have a rough time sleeping and you don’t want to wake Mommy or Daddy you just call Jim Pa and Gram and we will come running…Discovery Channel is one of Jim Pa’s favorite shows!!!

    Love you bunches!!!


  2. Tesa and Pops Says:

    Dear Sweet Maddie,
    What a great idea for Father’s Day! I know your Daddy absolutely loved it! We sure enjoyed getting to be with you and your mom and dad last week! Time went by way too fast! And you sure stole everyone’s heart at Nana’s that Sunday! They can’t quit talking about you and how pretty you are! I just smile. They have no idea that they are looking at a prodigy of exceeding proportions! Love you and your mom and dad!

  3. Zack Says:

    It was great seeing you for a few days and on Father’s Day! I’m glad you and Daddy and Mommy had such a great time. And I don’t know what happened during the Tiger Woods deal. When you get so tired, you just can’t help it. Anyhow, we love you sweet Maddie! See you again soon.

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