My Other Family

Hello again. It’s me…Madelyn. I am now 2 weeks old. Time flies huh?

This past Sunday was my first day at church (there’s my church outfit there in the picture), and I found out about my other family. Not only do I have a cool family already (Mom and Dad, Grandparents, and a whole bunch of really awesome aunts, uncles, and cousins), but apparently I also have a church family. This is a very new concept to me, but from what I understand a church family is a group of people who love Jesus and love each other. Even though my church family isn’t related to me, they still love me as if they were. And they love Jesus even more. Pretty cool huh?

I love being at church! I remember before I was born that I could always hear Mommy’s beautiful singing, and I would get so excited that I just wanted to dance. And dance I did! Just ask my Mommy. Things are a little different here on the outside, though. Everyone loves to sing, but I haven’t seen any dancing. Guess I better be careful about that huh? I’d hate for people to get too excited at church. I think I heard my Daddy say one time that if that happened the walls might fall down. How awful!

This was also the first time I actually saw my Daddy preaching. I have heard him lots of times, but seeing him too was pretty cool. Boy can he talk! And man he is LOUD!!! I don’t know how all those people in the pews around me could sleep through it.

After services my church family had a meal together. I think it is so neat that my other family loves to spend time together. For some reason I had my meal in a different room in the back. I guess Mommy just wanted to spend some more time alone with me. She’s the best.

My first day at church was great, and I really can’t wait for more. In the meantime I will be thinking about more things to write as I hang out with Mommy and Daddy.

Oh yeah…before I go…Here’s a video of me that my Daddy made. He put it on his blog, but in case you missed it, here it is!

Video: Madelyn Awake

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2 Comments on “My Other Family”

  1. Tesa Says:

    Maddie is so smart and so cute!!! Boy, she sure is right about the whole church experience! I’ve heard her daddy! (actually he very articulate!) Sure do love you , little one!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    We can’t wait to come play with you Madelyn!

    Payton and Carter

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